Work Stage 1: Inception – Appraisal and Project Definition
Receive, appraise and report on the client’s requirements with regards to:
- The client’s brief.
- The site and property rights and constraints.
- Budgetary constraints.
- The need for professional consultants.
- Project program.
- Methods of contracting.
Work Stage 2: Design Concept and Viability
Prepare and initial design and advise on:
- The intended space provisions and planning relationships.
- Proposed materials and intended building services.
- The technical and functional characteristics of the design.
- Check for conformity of the concept with the property rights to the use of the land.
- Review the anticipated costs of the project.
- Review the project program.
Work Stage 3: Design Development
Develop the conceptual design further by:
- Confirmation of the scope and complexity of the design.
- Review the design and consult with local and statutory authorities.
- Develop the design, construction system, materials and components.
- Incorporate and co-ordinate all services and the work of consultants.
- Review the design, costing and program with the consultants.
Work Stage 4.1: Council Documentation and Approvals
Prepare documentation sufficient for local authority submissions:
- Co-ordinate technical documentation with the consultants and complete primary co-ordination.
- Prepare specifications for the works.
- Review the costing and program with the consultants.
- Obtain the client’s authority and submit documents for building approval.
Work Stage 4.2: Construction Documentation and Procurement
Complete construction documentation and proceed to call for tenders:
- Obtain the client’s authority to prepare documents to procure offers for the execution of the works.
- Obtain offers for the execution of the works.
- Evaluate offers and recommend on the award of the building contract.
- Prepare the contract documentation (and arrange the signing of the building contract)
Work Stage 5: Construction and Site Inspection
Administer the Building Contract by:
- Hand over the site to the contractor.
- Issue construction documentation.
- Initiate and/or check sub-contract design and documentation as appropriate.
- Inspect the works for conformity to the contract documentation.
- Administer and perform the duties and obligations assigned to the principle agent in the JBCC building agreements, or fulfil the obligations provided for in other forms of contract.
- Issue the certificate of practical completion.
- Assist the client to obtain the occupation certificate.
Work Stage 6: Close Out
- Facilitate the project close-out including the preparation of the necessary documentation to effect completion, handover and operation of the project.
- After the contractors obligations with respect to the building contract are fulfilled, the architect shall issue the certificates related to contract completion.
- Provide the client with as-built drawings and relevant technical and contractual undertakings by the contractor and sub-contractors.